Book list

WARNING: The five word summaries in this list may contain spoilers.


  1. Jones, Diana Wynne—Tough guide to fantasyland
  2. Wilkerson, David—Have you felt like giving up lately?
  3. LaHaye, Time & Jenkins, Jerry B.—Left behind: the mark
  4. Heinlein, Robert A.—Double star
  5. Eco, Umberto—Name of the rose
  6. Greenberg, Joanne—I never promised you a rose garden
  7. Clarke, Arthur C.—2001: a space odyssey
  8. Bradbury, Ray—Martian chronicles
  9. Adair, Gilbert—Act of Roger Murgatroyd
  10. Beaton, M.C.—Death of a cad
  11. Beaton, M.C.—Death of a gossip
  12. Beaton, M.C.—Death of an outsider
  13. Kerr, Katharine—Red wyvern
  14. James, P.D.—Murder room
  15. Haggard, Henry Rider—King Solomon's mines
  16. Weyman, Stanley—Under the red robe
  17. Hope, Anthony—Prisoner of Zenda
  18. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan—Lost world
  19. Wren, P.C.—Beau Geste
  20. Wodehouse, P.G.—Stiff upper lip, Jeeves
  21. Brontë, Emily—Wuthering Heights
  22. Kipling, Rudyard—Jungle book
  23. Heinlein, Robert A.—Moon is a harsh mistress
  24. Kipling, Rudyard—Captains courageous
  25. Lackey, Mercedes—Burning water
  26. Mortimer, John—Rumpole for the defence
  27. Lee, Tanith—White as snow
  28. Kipling, Rudyard—Second jungle book
  29. Douglass, Sara—Druid's sword
  30. Douglass, Sara—Serpent bride
  31. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: beguilement
  32. Orczy, Baroness—Scarlet pimpernel
  33. Dobbs, Michael—House of cards
  34. Dobbs, Michael—To play the king
  35. Dobbs, Michael—Final cut
  36. Brontë, Charlotte—Jane Eyre
  37. Miller, Keith—Book of flying
  38. Mortimer, John—Rumpole on trial
  39. Kipling, Rudyard—Under the deodars
  40. Wodehouse, P.G.—Joy in the morning
  41. Bester, Alfred—Stars my destination
  42. Bester, Alfred—Demolished man
  43. Heinlein, Robert A.—Podkayne of Mars
  44. Kipling, Rudyard—Kim
  45. Feynman, Richard—What do YOU care what other people think?
  46. Peters, Ellis—Rose rent
  47. Peters, Ellis—Hermit of Eyton Forest
  48. Peters, Ellis—Raven in the foregate
  49. Rhys, Jean—Wide sargasso sea
  50. Harris, Joanne—Chocolat
  51. Mortimer, John—Rumpole à la carte
  52. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Komarr
  53. Wodehouse, P.G.—Carry on, Jeeves
  54. Herriot, James—Every living thing
  55. Bradley, Marion Zimmer—Fall of Atlantis
  56. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Civil campaign
  57. Rowling, J.K.—Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
  58. Lawrence, D.H.—Lady Chatterley's lover
  59. Gooden, Philip—Pale companion
  60. Kipling, Rudyard—Light that failed
  61. Steinbeck, John—Of mice and men
  62. Kipling, Rudyard—Debits and credits
  63. Sayers, Dorothy L.—Have his carcase
  64. James, P.D.—Children of men
  65. Stevenson, Robert Louis—Kidnapped
  66. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Cordelia's honor
  67. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Young Miles
  68. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Miles, mystery and mayhem
  69. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Miles errant
  70. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Memory
  71. Mortimer, John—Rumpole and the Penge bungalow murders
  72. Golding, William—Lord of the flies
  73. King, Laurie R.—Moor
  74. King, Laurie R.—Letter of Mary
  75. Mortimer, John—Rumpole rests his case
  76. Mortimer, John—Rumpole and the primrose path
  77. Mortimer, John—Rumpole and the reign of terror
  78. Martin, Valerie—Mary Reilly
  79. Laskas, Gretchen Moran—Midwife's tale
  80. Kipling, Rudyard—Willie Winkie
  81. King, Laurie R.—Monstrous regiment of women
  82. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan—Hound of the Baskervilles
  83. Moon, Elizabeth—Trading in danger
  84. King, Laurie R.—O Jerusalem
  85. King, Laurie R.—Game
  86. Mortimer, John—Quite honestly
  87. Birmingham, John—Weapons of choice: World War 2.1
  88. Turtledove, Harry—Ruled Britannia
  89. Ludlum, Robert—Tristan betrayal
  90. Drabble, Margaret—Sea lady
  91. King, Laurie R.—Justice Hall
  92. King, Laurie R.—Locked rooms
  93. Sayers, Dorothy L.—Lord Peter
  94. Wodehouse, P.G.—Small bachelor
  95. Marsh, Ngaio—Overture to death
  96. Kipling, Rudyard—Day's work
  97. Lloyd, Martin—Passport, The: the history of man's most travelled document
  98. Lovecraft, H.P.—Tales of H.P. Lovecraft
  99. Kipling, Rudyard—Plain tales from the hills
  100. Vonnegut, Kurt—Slaughterhouse-five
  101. Jerome, Jerome K.—Three men in a boat: to say nothing of the dog!
  102. Beaton, M.C.—Death of a village
  103. Beaton, M.C.—Death of a poison pen
  104. Moon, Elizabeth—Speed of light
  105. Westbrook, Kate—Moneypenny diaries, The: guardian angel
  106. Willis, Connie—To say nothing of the dog, or, how we found the bishop's bird-stump at last
  107. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Curse of Chalion
  108. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Paladin of souls
  109. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Hallowed hunt
  110. Pratchett, Terry—Monstrous regiment
  111. Conrad, Joseph—Heart of darkness
  112. Proulx, Annie—Shipping news
  113. London, Jack—Call of the wild / White Fang
  114. Canavan, Trudi—Magician's guild
  115. Canavan, Trudi—Novice
  116. Canavan, Trudi—High lord
  117. Jones, Diana Wynne—Eight days of Luke
  118. Nicholson, William—Wind singer
  119. Nicholson, William—Slaves of the Mastery
  120. Nicholson, William—Firesong
  121. Greenberg, Martin H. & Davis, Russell (eds.)—If I were an evil overlord
  122. Smith, Dodie—Hundred and one dalmatians
  123. King, Laurie R.—Beekeeper's apprentice
  124. Stevenson, Robert Louis—Treasure island
  125. fforde, Jasper—Something rotten
  126. fforde, Jasper—Big over easy
  127. fforde, Jasper—Fourth bear
  128. Sarrantonio, Al (ed.)—Flights: extreme visions of fantasy, vol.1
  129. Forster, E.M.—Room with a view
  130. Fowler, Christopher—Seventy-seven clocks
  131. King, Laurie R.—Locked rooms
  132. Fitzgerald, F. Scott—Great Gatsby
  133. Cervantes, Michel—Don Quixote de la Mancha—(a third thereof - but it was a very LONG third!)—6
  134. Pratchett, Terry—Going postal
  135. Pratchett, Terry—Small gods
  136. fforde, Jasper—Well of lost plots
  137. Seigel, Jan—Prospero's children
  138. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan—Study in scarlet
  139. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan—Sign of the four
  140. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan—Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  141. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan—Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
  142. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan—Return of Sherlock Holmes
  143. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan—Valley of fear
  144. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan—His last bow
  145. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan—Casebook of Sherlock Holmes
  146. King, Laurie R.—Monstrous regiment of women
  147. Pratchett, Terry—Sourcery
  148. Pratchett, Terry—Equal rites
  149. Pratchett, Terry—Wyrd sisters
  150. Pratchett, Terry—Witches abroad
  151. Potok, Chaim—I am the clay
  152. May, Julian—Perseus spur
  153. King, Laurie R.—Game
  154. May, Julian—Orion arm
  155. May, Julian—Sagittarius whorl
  156. Aiken, Joan—Night fall
  157. Austen, Jane—Pride and prejudice
  158. Aldiss, Brian—Super-state
  159. Aiken, Joan—Eliza's daughter
  160. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Komarr
  161. Atwood, Margaret—Blind assassin
  162. Nesbit, E—Railway children
  163. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Cordelia's honor
  164. Baantjer, A.C.—DeKok and the death of a clown
  165. Chase, Loretta—Not quite a lady
  166. Pratchett, Terry—Light fantastic
  167. Salinger, J.D.—Catcher in the rye
  168. Pratchett, Terry—Mort
  169. Elbling, Peter—Food taster
  170. Pushkin, Alexander—Queen of spades (and other stories)
  171. Roth, Philip—Portnoy's complaint
  172. Pratchett, Terry—Guards! Guards!
  173. Sayers, Dorothy L.—Clouds of witness
  174. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan—Disintegration machine
  175. Nesbit, E—Dragon tamers
  176. Stenbock, Eric—True story of a vampire and more
  177. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan—When the world screamed
  178. Austen, Jane—Northanger abbey
  179. Sayers, Dorothy L.—Murder must advertise
  180. Heyer, Georgette—Corinthian
  181. Greene, Graham—Monsignor Quixote
  182. Pratchett, Terry—Lords and ladies
  183. Heyer, Georgette—Civil contract
  184. Martel, Yann—Life of Pi
  185. Haddon,Mark—Curious incident of the dog in the night-time
  186. Pratchett, Terry—Colour of magic
  187. Fraser, George Macdonald—Flashman
  188. Durrell, Gerald—Drunken forest
  189. Pratchett, Terry—Men at arms
  190. McEwan, Ian—Amsterdam
  191. Herriot, James—Let sleeping vets lie
  192. Pratchett, Terry—Feet of clay
  193. Pratchett, Terry—Jingo
  194. Roy, Arundhati—God of small things
  195. Walker, Alice—Color purple
  196. Atwood, Margaret—Handmaid's tale
  197. Maguire, Gregory—Wicked
  198. Lewycka, Marina—Short history of tractors in Ukranian
  199. Pratchett, Terry—Fifth elephant
  200. Pratchett, Terry—Night watch
  201. Sayers, Dorothy L.—Strong poison
  202. Pratchett, Terry—Thud!
  203. Sayers, Dorothy L.—Gaudy night
  204. Steinbeck, John—Grapes of wrath


  1. Condon, Sean—My 'dam life
  2. Alda, Alan—Things I overheard while talking to myself
  3. Vonnegut, Kurt—Breakfast of champions
  4. McCaughren, Tom—Run with the wind
  5. Lackey, Mercedes—Exile's honor
  6. Lackey, Mercedes—Exile's valor
  7. Lackey, Mercedes—Arrows of the queen
  8. Lackey, Mercedes—Magic's pawn
  9. Jones, Diana Wynne—Howl's moving castle
  10. McCaughren, Tom—Run to earth
  11. McCaughren, Tom—Run swift, run free
  12. McCaughren, Tom—Run to the ark
  13. Pierce, Tamora—Terrier
  14. Pierce, Tamora—Alanna: the first adventure
  15. Pierce, Tamora—In the hand of the Goddess
  16. Pierce, Tamora—Woman who rides like a man
  17. Pierce, Tamora—Lioness rampant
  18. Pierce, Tamora—Wild magic
  19. Pierce, Tamora—Wolf-speaker
  20. Pierce, Tamora—Emperor mage
  21. Pierce, Tamora—Realms of the gods
  22. King, Laurie R.—Beekeeper's apprentice
  23. Blyton, Enid—Five on a secret trail
  24. King, Laurie R.—Moor
  25. Lackey, Mercedes—Magic's promise
  26. McSkimming, Geoffrey—Cairo Jim and the lagoon of tidal magnificence
  27. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Falling free
  28. Lindgren, Astrid—Ronia the robber's daughter
  29. Webster, Jean—Daddy-long-legs
  30. Nimmo, Jenny—Ultramarine
  31. Nimmo, Jenny—Rainbow and Mr Zed
  32. Le Guin, Ursula—Wizard of Earthsea
  33. Le Guin, Ursula—Tombs of Atuan
  34. Le Guin, Ursula—Farthest shore
  35. Le Guin, Ursula—Tehanu
  36. Boston, Lucy M—Children of Green Knowe
  37. Boston, Lucy M—Chimneys of Green Knowe
  38. King-Smith, Dick—Sheep-pig
  39. Jinks, Catherine—Genius squad
  40. Krever, Richard—Mastering law studies and law exam techniques
  41. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Curse of Chalion
  42. Macken, Claire—Law student survival guide : 9 steps to law study success
  43. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: legacy
  44. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: beguilement
  45. Walker, Vanessa—Mantras and misdemeanours: an accidental love story
  46. Kipling, Rudyard—Puck of pook's hill
  47. VA:—Harper's magazine, June 2008
  48. Lindgren, Astrid—Pippi longstocking
  49. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Paladin of souls
  50. Moon, Elizabeth—Hunting party
  51. Moon, Elizabeth—Sporting chance
  52. Moon, Elizabeth—Winning colors
  53. Martin, George R.R.—Game of thrones
  54. Martin, George R.R.—Clash of kings
  55. Martin, George R.R.—Storm of swords
  56. Greer, Germaine—Female eunuch
  57. Cooper, Edmund—Tenth planet
  58. Lackey, Mercedes—Arrow's flight
  59. Lackey, Mercedes—Arrow's fall
  60. Nimmo, Jenny—Snow spider
  61. Nimmo, Jenny—Emlyn's moon
  62. Burnett, Frances Hodgson—Secret garden
  63. VA:—Harper's magazine, July 2008
  64. Jones, Diana Wynne—Castle in the air
  65. Jinks, Catherine—Witchbank
  66. Lackey, Mercedes—By the sword
  67. Jones, Diana Wynne—Hexwood
  68. Jinks, Catherine—Eye to eye
  69. Jones, Diana Wynne—Howl's moving castle
  70. Lackey, Mercedes—Take a thief
  71. Silverberg, Robert—Downward to the earth
  72. Bradbury, Ray—Something wicked this way comes
  73. Forsyth, Kate—Dragonclaw
  74. Forsyth, Kate—Pool of two moons
  75. Eddings, David—Castle of wizardry
  76. Eddings, David—Enchanter's end game
  77. Hughes, Jean—Ditta's tree
  78. Harding, Traci—Alchemist's key
  79. King, Laurie R.—Justice hall
  80. Douglass, Sara—Threshold
  81. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Komarr
  82. Eddings, David—Pawn of prophecy
  83. Eddings, David—Queen of sorcery
  84. Eddings, David—Magician's gambit
  85. Eddings, David—Guardians of the west
  86. Eddings, David—King of the Murgos
  87. Eddings, David—Demon lord of Karanda
  88. Eddings, David—Sorceress of Darshiva
  89. Eddings, David—Seeress of Kell
  90. Harding, Traci—Ancient future
  91. Harding, Traci—Echo in time: Atlantis
  92. Lisle, Rebecca—Weatherstone eleven
  93. Harding, Traci—Masters of reality: the gathering
  94. Robinson, Nigel—Doctor who: the Sensorites
  95. Marsh, Ngaio—Photo finish
  96. Pierce, Tamora—Magic in the weaving
  97. Pierce, Tamora—Power in the storm
  98. Pierce, Tamora—Fire in the forging
  99. Pierce, Tamora—Healing in the vine—Rosethorn cures plague. Almost dies.
  100. Pierce, Tamora—Magic steps—Sandry gets student, solves murder.
  101. Pierce, Tamora—Will of the empress—Circle reformed, argues, makes up.
  102. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Shards of honor—Cordelia meets Aral on Sergyar.
  103. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: legacy—Dag kills blight. Is exiled.
  104. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: beguilement—Fawn kills blight, marries Dag.
  105. Weber, David—On Basilisk Station—Honor gets ship. Saves station.
  106. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Warrior's apprentice—Miles forms Dendarii (by accident).
  107. Jones, Diana Wynne—Magicians of Caprona—Feuding magician families make up.
  108. Herriot, James—All creatures great and small—Herriot meets Siegfried; marries Helen.
  109. Zahn, Timothy—Icarus hunt—Spaceman foils interplanetary crime ring.
  110. Weber, David—Honor of the queen—Honor fights Peeps. Saves planet.
  111. Marsh, Ngaio—A man lay dead—Man murdered at murder party.
  112. Dahl, Roald—BFG—Orphan and giant save children.
  113. Pierce, Tamora—Trickster's choice—Alanna's daughter works for god.
  114. Pierce, Tamora—Trickster's queen—Aly becomes (foreign) royal spymaster.
  115. Heyer, Georgette—Convenient marriage—Great lord marries ditsy stutterer.
  116. Heyer, Georgette—Corinthian—Tomboy and fop run away.
  117. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Hallowed hunt—Ingrey meets 600-pound icebear. (Bizarre!)
  118. Jones, Diana Wynne—Lives of Christopher Chant—Seven-lived Christopher becomes Chrestomanci.
  119. Austen, Jane—Mansfield park—Fanny is boring. Marries twerp.
  120. King, Clive—Stig of the dump—Caveman lives in modern chalk-pit.
  121. Bennett, Alan—Uncommon reader—Queen starts reading. Disapproval ensues.
  122. Feist, Raymond E—Silverthorn—Anita poisoned. Arutha is cross.
  123. Douglass, Sara—Enchanter—Axis betrays Faraday; becomes ruler.
  124. L'Engle, Madeleine—Wrinkle in time—Meg, Mrs Whatsit defeat IT.
  125. Pierce, Tamora—Squire—Kel learns command from Raoul.
  126. Pierce, Tamora—Lady knight—Kel runs a refugee camp.
  127. Pratchett, Terry—Making money—Moist invents Ankh-Morpork bank notes.
  128. Porter, Jane—King of the desert, captive bride—Sheikh rescues, marries American virgin.
  129. Pennac, Daniel—Dictator and the hammock—Post-modernist drivel. Dictator hardly features.
  130. Heyer, Georgette—Cotillion—Fake engagement becomes true love.
  131. Summers, Anne—Damned whores and god's police—History of women in Australia.
  132. Mackenzie, Compton—Monarch of the glen—Archie, but set in 1920s.
  133. Townsend, Sue—Secret diary of Adrian Mole, aged 13 ¾—Alright. Could have been better.
  134. Cormier, Robert—Chocolate war—Private school gang. Non-happy ending.
  135. Manza, Jeff & Uggen, Christopher—Locked out: felon disenfranchisement and American democracy—Subtitle says it all. Interesting.
  136. Pratchett, Terry—Guards! Guards!—Dragon v. Ankh-Morpork City Watch.
  137. Sayers, Dorothy L—Gaudy night—Harriet fights Poison-Pen at Oxford.
  138. Pratchett, Terry—Men at arms—Vimes gets married. Watch increased.
  139. Sayers, Dorothy L—Busman's honeymoon—Harriet finds corpse on honeymoon.
  140. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Paladin of souls—Bittersweet Ista beats a demon.
  141. King, Laurie R.—Letter of Mary—Cameo by Lord Peter Wimsey.
  142. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Curse of Chalion—Cazaril is always increasingly likeable.
  143. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Spirit ring—Bit too religious for me.
  144. Jones, Diana Wynne—Year of the griffin—Griffin (Dark-Lord's daughter) at university.
  145. Jones, Diana Wynne—Charmed life—Gwendoline steals Cat's nine lives.
  146. Pierce, Tamora—Melting stones—Circle: Briar's apprentice stops volcano.
  147. Jones, Diana Wynne—Merlin conspiracy—Disjointed story of alternate worlds.
  148. Rowling, J.K.—Tales of Beedle the bard—Very short but quite funny.
  149. Douglass, Sara—Twisted citadel—Maximilian marries Ishbel, raises castle.
  150. Herriot, James—All things bright and beautiful—Adventures of James the vet.
  151. Meyer, Stephenie—Twilight—Sparkly vampires. Say no more.
  152. Carnell, John (ed.)—Gateway to the stars—SF anthology (1955).
  153. Campbell, H.J. (ed.)—Tomorrow's universe—SF anthology (1953?).
  154. Bleiler, Everett & Dikty, T.E. (eds.)—Imagination unlimited—SF anthology (1953).
  155. Gold, H.L. (ed.)—Galaxy reader of science fiction—1953 anthology - contains suicide story.


  1. Tepper, Sheri S.—Grass—Mind-controlling Hippae and invisible foxen.
  2. Austen, Jane—Sense and sensibility—Elinor and Marianne get married.
  3. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: passage—Dag and Fawn go boating.
  4. Watson, Elsa—Maid Marian: a novel—Marian is kind of irritating.
  5. Heyer, Georgette—April lady—Nell can't admit to debts.
  6. Heyer, Georgette—Devil's cub—Mary impersonates sister to rake.
  7. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: beguilement—I must stop reading these.
  8. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: legacy—See above. It's an obsession.
  9. Lackey, Mercedes—Winds of fate—Elspeth goes on a quest.
  10. Lackey, Mercedes—Winds of change—Elspeth and Darkwind defeat Falconsbane.
  11. Lackey, Mercedes—Storm warning—We meet Karal the Karsite.
  12. Lackey, Mercedes—Storm rising—Magic storm problem solved (temporarily).
  13. Lackey, Mercedes—Storm breaking—Magic storm problem overcome (permanently).
  14. Lackey, Mercedes—Owlflight—Darian adopted by the Hawkbrothers.
  15. Lackey, Mercedes—Owlsight—Keisha meets Darian, solves plague.
  16. Shute, Nevil—Town like Alice—Jean updates FNQ hick town.
  17. Lackey, Mercedes—Owlknight—Darian finds his parents again.
  18. Lackey, Mercedes—Magic's price—Vanyel meets Stefen, then dies.
  19. Callinan, Ian—Lawyer and the libertine—I hate the ALP: Callinan.—5
  20. Herriot, James—All things wise and wonderful—In the RAF, James reminisces.—2
  21. Blackmore, R.D.—Lorna Doone—Old school: TOO many commas!—4
  22. Gibbons, Stella—Cold comfort farm—No-nonsense Flora straightens things out.—2
  23. Gee, Maurice—Halfmen of O—Susan reunites Ying and Yang.—4
  24. Tennant, Kylie—Evatt: politics and justice—Evatt is awesome. Callinan blows.—4
  25. Grisham, John—Pelican brief—Totally unconvincing judge murdering conspiracy.—5
  26. Juster, Norton—Phantom tollbooth—Milo discovers joy of knowledge.—3
  27. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: passage—Dag and Fawn go flatboating.—2
  28. Levine, Gail Carson—Ella enchanted—I liked the movie better.—3
  29. Christie, Agatha—Crooked house—It was the little girl.—3
  30. Moon, Elizabeth—Sheepfarmer's daugher—Paks joins a mercenary company.—4
  31. Rowling, J.K.—Harry Potter and the deathly hallows—Harry dies, yet defeats Voldemort.—2
  32. West, Morris—Shoes of the fisherman—Russian Pope - Catholics are weird…—4
  33. Asaro, Catherine—Primary inversion—Psychic technological soldier Imperial heir.—5
  34. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: legacy—Fawn learns to make arrows.—2
  35. Tolkien, J.R.R.—Hobbit (The)—Bilbo goes on an adventure.—1
  36. Jones, Diana Wynne—Dark lord of Derkholm—Derk et al stop tourists.—2
  37. Jones, Diana Wynne—Year of the griffin—Elda goes to magic university.—2
  38. Jones, Diana Wynne—Homeward bounders—Interdimensional war games. Includes Prometheus.—3
  39. Jones, Diana Wynne—Howl's moving castle—Sophie, now old, cleans castle.—2
  40. Jones, Diana Wynne—Castle in the air—Abdullah seeks Flower-of-the-Night for relationship.—3
  41. Heyer, Georgette—Cotillion—Freddy's cleverer than generally suspected.—2
  42. Sayers, Dorothy L—Gaudy night—Can women ever have both?—1
  43. Heyer, Georgette—Devil's cub—Vidal is a bad man.—3
  44. Christie, Agatha—Why didn't they ask Evans?—Murder on the golf links.—3
  45. VA:—Harper's magazine, November 2006—n/a—0
  46. Stewart, Mary—Walk in wolf wood—Future children help weeping man.—3
  47. Jones, Diana Wynne—Howl's moving castle—Old age is liberating: Sophie.—2
  48. Meyer, Stephenie—Twilight—Edward's a fucking creepy stalker.—4
  49. Heinlein, Robert A.—Double star—The only sport for grown-ups.—1
  50. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Paladin of souls—Ista: I'm not mad anymore.—2
  51. Heyer, Georgette—Convenient marriage—Horry, Rule work it out.—3
  52. Heyer, Georgette—April lady—Nell's husband does love her!—3
  53. Magorian, Michelle—Goodnight mister Tom—Evacuee thrives in the country.—4
  54. Carmody, Isobelle—Scatterlings—Merlin: time-travelled into the future?—3
  55. Jinks, Catherine—Pagan's scribe—Pagan's Roland dies. Very sad.—3
  56. Stroud, Jonathan—Amulet of samarkand—Young magician; demon with footnotes.—3
  57. Stroud, Jonathan—Golem's eye—Resistant Kitty (plus magician, djinni)—3
  58. Stroud, Jonathan—Ptolemy's gate—Magician government of England overthrown.—3
  59. Stewart, Mary—Airs above the ground—Plot's not really about horses…—4
  60. Rees, Jasper—I found my horn—Mid-life crisis = play horn?—3
  61. Heyer, Georgette—These old shades—Léon beomes Léonie becomes d'Avon.—3
  62. Laurie, Hugh—Gun seller—Sales of Javelin missile increase…—3
  63. Robertson, Geoffrey—Justice game—Robertson: how awesome am I?!?!—4
  64. Blyton, Enid—Castle of adventure—Tassie, the girl without shoes.—3
  65. Spyri, Johanna—Heidi—Heidi quotes God too often.—4
  66. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: horizon—Fawn kills giant bat monster.—2
  67. Carroll, Lewis—Alice in wonderland—Classic wacky and psychedelic literature—3
  68. Pierce, Tamora—Bloodhound—Beka defeats a counterfeiting ring.—4
  69. Sobel, Dava—Longitude—Badly presented fiction; uninformative non-fiction.—5
  70. Corbett, William—Steps up the chimney—The children discover Stephen Tyler.—3
  71. Corbett, William—Door in the tree—Children and Meg disperse badger-baiters.—3
  72. Corbett, William—Tunnel behind the waterfall—Defeat of the fun-fair development.—3
  73. Corbett, William—Bridge in the clouds—The final battle: Tylers triumphant.—3
  74. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Curse of Chalion—Yay for Cazaril and Chalion-Ibra!—2
  75. fforde, Jasper—Eyre affair—Thursday Next improves Eyre ending—3
  76. Harrison, Harry—Spaceship medic—Not as good as before.—3
  77. Solzhenitsyn, Alexander—One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich—Shukov (zek) in prison (Siberia).—3
  78. McCaffrey, Anne—Black horses for the king—King Arthur's fancy foreign horses.—4
  79. Dunnet, Dorothy—Game of kings—Lymond's not such a crook.—4
  80. Heinlein, Robert A.—Citizen of the galaxy—Relevant to Corporations Law, honest!—2
  81. Blyton, Enid—Valley of adventure—Wrong plane: stuck in valley.—4
  82. Christie, Agatha—By the pricking of my thumbs—Retirement home connects with village?—4
  83. Christie, Agatha—Death comes as the end—Christie's Ancient Egyptian murder mystery.—4
  84. Beaton, M.C.—Death of a perfect wife—English woman who scabs antiques.—4
  85. Brown, Dan—Da Vinci code—Badly written. Conspiracy theories abound.—4
  86. VA:—Harper's magazine, December 2006—N/A—0
  87. Heyer, Georgette—Faro's daughter—Pride and Prejudice and Gambling.—3
  88. Christie, Agatha—Mirror crack'd from side to side—Have rubella? Stay at home!!—4
  89. Pratchett, Terry—Feet of clay—Vimes, golems and arsenical candles.—3
  90. Pratchett, Terry—Jingo—Western racism allegory (thinly disguised).—3
  91. Pratchett, Terry—Fifth elephant, The—Sybil sings opera, is awesome.—3
  92. Gaiman, Neil—Graveyard book—Silas is a well-described vampire.—4
  93. Henderson, Lauren—Jane Austen's guide to dating—Very sensible: no playing games.—4
  94. Spence, Peter—To the manor born—Fun, but TV was better.—4
  95. Brontë, Charlotte—Jane Eyre—Spunky, sensible Jane's passionate love-story.—1
  96. Carter, Paul—Don't tell mum I work on the rigs, she thinks I'm a piano player in a whorehouse—Are people like this? [Scary!!!]—5
  97. Christie, Agatha—Death in the clouds—Isn't it always the dentist?—4
  98. Christie, Agatha—Evil under the sun—Sunbathers as slabs of meat.—4
  99. Christie, Agatha—Hickory dickory dock—Student hostel with resident kleptomaniac.—4
  100. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: beguilement—I love a good romance!—2
  101. Christie, Agatha—Moving finger—Gawky Megan is "master's dog".—4
  102. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: passage—Dag gathers a new family.—2
  103. Christie, Agatha—Mrs. McGinty's dead—Past murderers appear in newsprint.—4
  104. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Shards of honor—Ezar cleans out his House.—2
  105. VA:—Harper's magazine, January 2007—N/A—0
  106. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Paladin of souls—(Accurate) anticipatory description of son-in-law—2
  107. Dickens, Monica—Haunting of Bellamy 4—Spirit horse and spooky hospital.—5
  108. Austen, Jane—Northanger abbey—Isabella is SUCH a COW!—2
  109. King, Laurie R.—Game, The—Special guest star: Kipling's Kim.—3
  110. Heyer, Georgette—Devil's cub—Leonie reminds me of Nola.—3
  111. Christie, Agatha—Murder at the vicarage—Griselda: great vicar's wife's name!—3
  112. Christie, Agatha—Murder in Mesopotamia—Ex-husband and German spy -- dead?—3
  113. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Vor game—Imprisoned commanders, in a row.—2
  114. Christie, Agatha—Murder in the mews—Poirot, in four short stories.—4
  115. Christie, Agatha—Parker Pyne investigates—Blond, blue-eyed German pilot. Sigh.—3
  116. Jones, Diana Wynne—Howl's moving castle—Heartless Howl: not a heart-eater.—2
  117. Cleary, Beverly—Beezus and Ramona—Kid's book. Good clean fun.—3
  118. Cleary, Beverly—Henry and Beezus—Henry Huggins wants a bike.—4
  119. Cleary, Beverly—Ramona the pest—Ramona loves her kindergarten teacher.—4
  120. Cleary, Beverly—Ramona the brave—Ramona's second-grade teacher is unfriendly.—4
  121. Cleary, Beverly—Ramona forever—Ramona gets a baby sister.—4
  122. Wrightson, Patricia—Crooked snake—D.P.s and the photographic survey.—3
  123. Jones, Diana Wynne—Dogsbody—Sirius (dog-form) trapped on Earth.—2
  124. Phipson, Joan—Boundary riders—Australian kids, lost in bush.—4
  125. Jones, Diana Wynne—Dark lord of Derkholm—Really heart-wrenching when Kit dies.—3
  126. Bacon, John U. & Heward, Lyn—Spark: igniting the creative fire that lives within us all—Cirque du Soleil. Very wanky.—5
  127. Jones, Diana Wynne—Year of the griffin—What university's really like. (Sometimes.)—2
  128. Jones, Diana Wynne—Sudden wild magic—Parellel universe and kamikaze sex.—3
  129. Pratchett, Terry—Night watch—Vimes meets self in past.—3
  130. Pratchett, Terry—Thud!—There lurks the Summoning Dark.—3
  131. VA:—Harper's magazine, February 2007—n/a—0
  132. King, Laurie R.—Beekeeper's apprentice—Maths tutor is Moriarty's daughter.—3
  133. Lewis, C.S.—Lion, the witch and the wardrobe.—What can I say? Classic.—2
  134. Lewis, C.S.—Prince Caspian—I find Caspian slightly weak.—3
  135. Lewis, C.S.—Voyage of the Dawn Treader—Love Reepicheep and the Dufflepuds!—2
  136. Lewis, C.S.—Silver chair—Marshwiggle Puddleglum needs sobering up?!—3
  137. Lewis, C.S.—Horse and his boy—Calormene tales: "O my beloveds…"—2
  138. Lewis, C.S.—Magician's nephew—Digory saves his mother's life.—3
  139. Lewis, C.S.—Last battle—Stopped looking like a lion!?!?—4
  140. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Curse of Chalion—"No, I quite like wealth!"—2
  141. Pratchett, Terry—Guards! Guards!—Dragon means Vimes meets Sybil.—3
  142. Pratchett, Terry—Men at arms—Ethnic minorities join the Watch.—3
  143. Wright, Peter—Spycatcher: the candid autobiography of a senior intelligence officer—Clear why British opposed publication!—4
  144. Austen, Jane & Grahame-Smith, Seth—Pride and prejudice and zombies—Good only for original reminiscence.—5
  145. Makler, Irris—Our woman in Kabul—I didn't like Irris, though.—4


  1. Roderick, Colin—Lady and the lawyer—Bad ye olde Sydney melodrama.—5
  2. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Dreamweaver's dilemma—Miscellany and juvenalia of Bujold.—4
  3. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Cetaganda—Ivan makes the ladies smile...—3
  4. Heyer, Georgette—Convenient marriage—Horry suits Rule famously (eventually).—3
  5. Gaiman, Neil—American gods—Warring gods: old v. new.—3
  6. Heyer, Georgette—Cotillion—Freddy is not like Lochinvar.—3
  7. Heyer, Georgette—Corinthian—A jolly adventure for Pen.—3
  8. Swarup, Vikas—Six suspects—Six viewpoints: none the murderer.—4
  9. Dahl, Roald—Charlie and the chocolate factory—Charlie tours Wonka's chocolate factory.—3
  10. Dahl, Roald—Charlie and the great glass elevator—In space (with Vermicious Knids).—3
  11. VA:—Harper's magazine, January 2010—n/a—0
  12. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: horizon—Die, malicious bat monster, die!—3
  13. King, Laurie R.—Justice hall—Arab/Duke returns to Palestine.—3
  14. Pratchett, Terry—Feet of clay—The one about the peerage.—3
  15. Austen, Jane—Pride and prejudice—"[Jane] only smiles; I laugh."—1
  16. Pryor, Lisa—Pinstriped prison—Overachievers need to chill out.—4
  17. Jones, Diana Wynne—Castle in the air—Abdullah: master of purple prose.—3
  18. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Komarr—"Drat!" (Ekaterin is perhaps oversocialised.)—2
  19. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Civil campaign—Oh those poor maligned butter-bugs.—1
  20. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Ethan of Athos—Ethan: surprisingly tolerant and sweet.—2
  21. Jones, Diana Wynne—Hexwood—Turn spine upside-down and mirror!!—3
  22. Bondoux, Anne-Laure—Princess and the captain—Pretty cover; pretty dodgy story.—5
  23. Funke, Cornelia—Inkheart—Thought it would be better...—4
  24. King-Smith, Dick—Dragon boy—Dragons befriend little Little John.—3
  25. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Mirror dance—Mark gets fat to survive.—2
  26. Goldman, William—Princess bride—I liked the movie better.—4
  27. fforde, Jasper—First among sequels—Thursday is older -- less croquet.—3
  28. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: beguilement—Fawn is cute and gruff.—2
  29. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: legacy—Cumbria is unimpressed by Fawn.—3
  30. Christie, Agatha—Ten little niggers—And then there were none…—4
  31. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: passage—Whit is impressed by Berry.—2
  32. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Sharing knife: horizon—Bat-monster is unimpressed by whup-ass.—3
  33. Jones, Diana Wynne—Dogsbody—Sirius hopes for new Companion.—3
  34. Heyer, Georgette—Blunt instrument—Baroque, with a Zealot policeman.—4
  35. Jones, Diana Wynne—Howl's moving castle—Sophie unknowingly falls in love.—2
  36. Jones, Diana Wynne—House of many ways—I have read this before.—3
  37. Witting, Amy—Isobel on the way to the corner shop—Chick-lit about a TB sanatorium.—5
  38. Eddings, David—Pawn of prophecy—Young Garion leaves the farm.—4
  39. Eddings, David—Queen of sorcery—We meet bratty Imperial Ce'Nedra.—4
  40. Eddings, David—Magician's gambit—It's the one with "PUSH?!"—4
  41. Eddings, David—Castle of wizardy—I finally worked out that --—4
  42. Eddings, David—Enchanters' end game—-- the titles are chess references—4
  43. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Hallowed hunt—But I should be studying…………—2
  44. Klein, Robin—People might hear you—Scary kids' book about cults.—4
  45. Pierce, Tamora—Realms of the gods—Where they get together. (Awwww...)—3
  46. Heyer, Georgette—Death in the stocks—Murder re: a sizeable inheritance.—4
  47. Pierce, Tamora—Alanna: the first adventure—Becomes a page; defeats demons.—3
  48. Pierce, Tamora—In the hand of the Goddess—Becomes a knight; defeats Count.—3
  49. Pierce, Tamora—Woman who rides like a man—Becomes a Bazhir desert shaman.—3
  50. Keating, H.R.F.—Inspector Ghote trusts the heart—Kidnapping. Really not that interesting.—5
  51. Pierce, Tamora—Lioness rampant—Gets the Jewel; becomes Champion.—3
  52. Pierce, Tamora—First test—Starts page training on probation.—3
  53. Pierce, Tamora—Page—Where Kel saves her maid.—3
  54. Pierce, Tamora—Squire—Kel looks after the griffin.—3
  55. Pierce, Tamora—Lady knight—In charge of the refugees.—3
  56. Birmingham, Sonya—Almost a lady—Badly written soft Cockney porn.—5
  57. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Paladin of souls—"I'm the mouth of Hell."—2
  58. Eddings, David—Guardians of the West—Garion grows up, in vignettes.—4
  59. Eddings, David—King of the Murgos—Silk meets his unknown half-brother.—4
  60. Eddings, David—Demon Lord of Karanda—Wanderings with 'Zakath of Mallorea.—4
  61. VA:—Harpers magazine, February 2010—n/a—0
  62. VA:—Harpers magazine, March 2007—n/a—0
  63. VA:—Harpers magazine, July 2010—n/a—0
  64. VA:—Harpers magazine, March 2010—n/a—0
  65. Mieville, China—Un lun dun—Chosen defeated; Un-Chosen takes over.—3
  66. Eddings, David—Sorceress of Darshiva—More wandering in the wilderness.—4
  67. Eddings, David—Seeress of Kell—All live happily ever after.—4
  68. Jinks, Catherine—Reformed vampire support group—Australian vampires are permanently unwell.—4
  69. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Curse of Chalion—I like the word "happily".—2
  70. Luckett, Dave—Dark winter—Shieldmaiden with a fucking POLEAXE!—4
  71. Luckett, Dave—Dark journey—We meet the goblin-loving girlfriend.—4
  72. Carriger, Gail—Soulless—Basically romance/porn with werewolves.—4
  73. Carriger, Gail—Changeless—More brain-candy; now in Scotland.—4
  74. Carriger, Gail—Blameless—Pesto is an anti-supernatural weapon.—4
  75. Heyer, Georgette—Cotillion—"Classic" romantic heroes are overrated.—3
  76. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Ethan of Athos—"...only agent of any description..."—3
  77. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Memory—Miles loses his ImpSec eyes.—2
  78. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Komarr—"Novel device" is "secret weapon".—2
  79. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Civil campaign—"…things that go "boom", perhaps?"—2
  80. Pratchett, Terry—Jingo—An unconvincing Patrician, I find.—4
  81. Pratchett, Terry—Fifth elephant, The—I like Sybil. (And Vimes.)—4
  82. Carriger, Gail—Soulless—Steampunk romances: tacky and amusing.—4
  83. Lackey, Mercedes—Exile's honor—Alberich is a trope-ic Badass.—4
  84. Heyer, Georgette—Convenient marriage—I wish Rule was political.—3
  85. Brontë, Charlotte—Jane Eyre—Jane is so awesomely plucky!—1
  86. Harding, Traci—Ancient future—Oh my god...the grammar!!—4
  87. Harding, Traci—Echo in time: Atlantis—Thankfully, not in mediaeval dialect.—4
  88. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Shards of honor—It's love at first sight.—2
  89. Reichs, Kathy—Cross bones—I loathe Jesus conspiracy books.—5
  90. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Barrayar—Cordelia fronts up to Barrayar.—2
  91. Evans, Nicholas—Horse whisperer—Chick-lit, but I like it.—3
  92. King, Laurie R.—Monstrous regiment of women—Unsure why I like these...—4
  93. Bujold, Lois McMaster—Cryoburn—"Count Vorkosigan, sir?" --- oh, Aral.....—2
  94. Jones, Diana Wynne—Year of the griffin—Still want a sequel, dammit!—2
  95. Jinks, Catherine—Evil genius—Cadel goes to Evil University.—4
  96. Heyer, Georgette—No wind of blame—Characters unlikeable; plot rather dull.—5
  97. Christie, Agatha—Postern of fate—Tommy and Tuppence. Rather disjointed.—5
  98. Christie, Agatha (Westmacott, Mary)—Absent in the spring—Woman sees her true self.—3
  99. Aiken, Joan—Wolves of Willoughby Chase—Childhood fare: evil guardian, orphanage…—3
  100. Carriger, Gail—Changeless—Off to Scotland by dirigible.—4
  101. Carriger, Gail—Blameless—Who was Alexia's father, anyway…?—4
  102. Adams, Richard—Iron wolf—Fairy-tales retold; originals probably better.—5
  103. Aiken, Joan—Black hearts in Battersea—Hanoverian intrigue against James III.—3
  104. Ransome, Arthur—Peter Duck—Swallows and Amazons' "Treasure Island".—3
  105. Ransome, Arthur—Pigeon post—Prospecting with Timothy the armadillo.—3
  106. Ransome, Arthur—Great northern?—Stopping a bird-hunter in Hebrides.—4
  107. Ransome, Arthur—Picts and the martyrs—Ds hide from the G.A.—3
  108. Ransome, Arthur—We didn't mean to go to sea—...yet accidentally sailed to Holland...—3
  109. Lackey, Mercedes—Arrows of the queen—Talia goes to Herald school...—4
  110. Lackey, Mercedes—Arrow's flight—...then goes nuts in forest...—4
  111. Lackey, Mercedes—Arrow's fall—...lives happily ever after. Kinda.—4
  112. Cooper, Susan—Over sea, under stone—Drews first encounter the Dark.—3
  113. Cooper, Susan—Dark is rising—Will turns eleven, seeks Signs.—3
  114. Cooper, Susan—Greenwitch—"…wish you could be happy."—3
  115. Cooper, Susan—Grey king—All I know about Welsh.—3
  116. Cooper, Susan—Silver on the tree—And the one…goes…alone…—3
  117. van Vogt, A.E.—Slan—Tentacled telepath vs. worldwide conspiracy.—4
  118. van Vogt, A.E.—Weapon shops of Isher—The Second Amendment made flesh.—4
  119. van Vogt, A.E.—Weapon makers—Seriously, what's with the spider-aliens!?!?—4
  120. Pierce, Tamora—Trickster's choice—Aly makes a divine wager.—3
  121. Pierce, Tamora—Trickster's queen—Revolution comes to the Islands.—3
  122. Jones, Diana Wynne—Hexwood—Had forgotten it was Arthurian!—3
  123. Stroud, Jonathan—Amulet of samarkand—Stealing the amulet for revenge.—3
  124. King, Laurie R.—O Jerusalem—In Palestine, Russell complains unceasingly.—4
  125. Dahl, RoaldEsio trot—Man woos with increasing tortoises.—4
  126. Jones, Diana WynneLives of Christopher Chant—Brattiness was justifiable, I think.—3


  1. Jones, Diana Wynne—Dark lord of Derkholm—Children are far too young.—3
  2. Clarke, BrockArsonist's guide to writers' homes in New England—First person loser: oddly engaging.—4
  3. Miéville, ChinaKraken—"They be stealin' mah squid!"—4
  4. Bujold, Lois McMaster— Sharing knife: beguilement— First book for a month...—2
  5. Bujold, Lois McMaster— Sharing knife: legacy— Fawn meets the dreaded in-laws.—3
  6. Bujold, Lois McMaster— Sharing knife: passage— Dag picks up a pack.—2
  7. Bujold, Lois McMaster— Sharing knife: horizon— Home at the homestead, finally.—3
  8. Heinlein, Robert A.— Citizen of the galaxy— I'm learning company law again…—3
  9. Grant, Mira— Feed— Everyone's a latent zombie inside.—4
  10. VA:— Harpers magazine, April 2010— N/A—0
  11. Ness, Patrick— Knife of never letting go— Poor, loyal Manchee the dog.—3
  12. Ness, Patrick— Ask and the answer— Viola! Todd! VIOLA! TODD! VIOOOOLAAA!!!!!—4
  13. Ness, Patrick— Monsters of men— Didn't live up to expectations.—5
  14. Larsson, Stieg— Girl with the dragon tattoo— Tedious; too much product placement.—5
  15. Le Guin, Ursula— Lathe of heaven— Man alters world by dreaming.—3
  16. Jones, Diana Wynne— Homeward bounders— Jamie, Prometheus and the Dutchman.—3
  17. Revis, Beth— Across the universe— Young adult sci-fi. Not bad.—4
  18. fforde, Jasper— Last dragonslayer— Very like Diana Wynne Jones.—4
  19. Kilby, Joan— Two against the odds— The ATO's not like that…—5
  20. McIntosh, Fiona— Myrren's gift— Dull, until he turned female!—5
  21. Jones, Diana Wynne— Witch week— School children are really nasty.—3
  22. Marchetta, Melina— Finnikin of the rock— Interesting premise, but rather tedious.—5
  23. Elliot, Kate— King's dragon— Promising. Interesting premise and characters.—4
  24. Ba, Mariama— So long a letter— I just don't get Africa.—4