Fanfic recs - List no. 2

An addition to my ongoing collection of decent fanfic (I tried but just couldn't bring myself to use the word "good" there), enjoy this humorous offering:

The Adventures of Icarus, the Invisible Poltergeist
by After the Rain
Author Summary: In which Mr. Prongs takes Muggle Studies, Mr. Padfoot has a crush on Professor McGonagall, Miss Evans demonstrates where her son inherited his CAPS LOCK tendencies, Mr. Wormtail discovers that his Animagus form is useful for petty theft, and Mr. Moony explains why none of this can possibly be construed as his fault.

And, in honour of my current Mary Russell-fueled Sherlock Holmes kick, this one too:

Sherlock Holmes and the Ravenclaw Codex
by Dolorous Ett
My Summary: Well, it's a Holmes and Potter crossover, told in pure Watson style. Currently WIP, but she's only got two chapters to go, so I'm feeling confident of one day reading the ending!

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