Ratings system

Book and film ratings system

Cribbed from: http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/susan/sf/books/rating.htm
1 - unmissable
A "classic", that should be read or seen by everyone. Some classics are just excellent books; others have contributed to the development of the genre and need to be experienced to get a better appreciation of the genre as a whole.

2 - great stuff
Well put together, with some definite depth to the plot, characters, or ideas. Definitely re-readable / re-watchable.

3 - worth reading / watching
A good enjoyable story, worth the time spent reading / watching. Some may be re-readable / re-watchable.

4 - passes the time
It passed the time well enough, but I probably won't be reading / watching it again.

5 - waste of time
I read/watched it, but wouldn't have if I'd known... (As a book, it might have been saved from unfinishable only because I read it in a single sitting: if I'd been interrupted, I might not have picked it up again. As a film, it was probably saved only because I had paid to see it, in the cinema: if I'd been watching on TV, I might have given up.)

6 - unfinishable
I couldn't finish it because it was so bad, or boring, or whatever. Or maybe the style just didn't appeal to me. I probably said the Eight Deadly Words: "I Don't Care What Happens to These People" ... or Beings, or Artifacts, or whatever the plot is 'about'.

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